Public School Exit

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It is possible that any of the following programs can fit the description of an Umbrella School; independent study programs, distance learning programs, virtual or cyber schools, and learning Centers. Feel free to research those alternatives on this website.However, a model Umbrella School has been established by Pastor Carl Broggi of Community Bible Church Christian Academy in South Carolina. His Umbrella School is a membership association for homeschool parents. This is a collective of minimum 50 homeschool families under the umbrella of his church, as a ministry.The church does the administration while the daily education is done at home with parents with some activities held at the church.  The parents pick their own curriculum and can utilize any recommendations from the association.The benefit of a church starting an umbrella homeschool ministry is twofold: 1) The church lives out the mission of helping parents be the educators of their own children. 2) The church receives the blessing of increasing its own attendance of young families.Public School Exit believes this is one of the most exciting opportunities for churches who are seeking to increase attendance and fulfill the role of encouraging parents to train up their children in the way they should go.

Public School Exit recommends that churches create a homeschool umbrella association using:

A 30-Year Tested Umbrella Association (Beaufort, South Carolina) Model
(Community Bible Christian Academy: Headmaster Dr. Carl J. Broggi, Pastor)
Brief Description and Contact Information
CBCCA Application
CBCCA Handbook
WATCH VIDEO: Church Private Homeschool Group – Pastor Carl Broggi