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Sick Sex Image Found In Disney Cartoon Meant For Small Children!

Adina Kutnicki July 3, 2022


HOT on the heels of the incessant mania (amplified night and day by the radical left) towards “normalizing” the thrust of transgenderism into  mainstream societal discourse and consciousness, countless kiddies are being caught in their twisted web and grasp. But to make matters exponentially worse and infinitely more confusing, a growing cadre of parents (read: the self-anointed “enlightened” set, many of whom were (mis)educated within the “Ivy Tower”) are jumping aboard the madness — naturally, too terrified to separate from the growing herd, thus, spared from being tarred and feathered via this and that “phobic” appendage. Spineless cowards. Indeed, emotional contagion on steroids!


BE that as it may,  this writer is often called upon to raise particular alarms. Alas, at this address, none is more intrinsic and weighty than protecting the kiddies. So, if additional evidence is required re what’s really going down, well,

and so on and so forth. Ad infinitum. But in the main, all roads lead to here: The decimation of the traditional family for sundry, interconnecting, and nefarious end-goals!


When is enough, enough? On the anti-marriage battle – How much do normative citizens and parents have to take from threatening and abusive proponents of LGBTQ+?


IN this regard, as inferred, the epicenter of this societal scourge is spearheaded by a radicalized U.S. (mis)educational system. Yes, Disney serves as its subliminal front. Still yet, the chief benefactor (among many others) funding this perverted and pervasive re-engineering of biology lands below.



DAILY HEADLINES | By Belle | July 1, 2022


Journalist and Filmmaker Chris Rufo have obtained footage from Disney’s upcoming show “Baymax,” which contains a scene where the transgender agenda is pushed on kids as normal.

The leaked footage promotes the transgender flag and the idea that men can have periods for children as young as two years old.


In the clip, the androgynous type character searches for tampons in the women’s hygiene aisle in a store.


He asks a woman which of the period products she recommends.


One character is wearing a t-shirt bearing the transgender flag and says, “I always use the ones with wings,” as “he” hands Baymax a box of the pads.


The clip makes the scene with the transgender character appear as normal.


He asks a woman which of the period products she recommends.


One character is wearing a t-shirt bearing the transgender flag and says, “I always use the ones with wings,” as “he” hands Baymax a box of the pads.


The clip makes the scene with the transgender character appear as normal.


Have these people lost their minds?


Here’s how one Twitter user responded to Rufo’s post: “Saying that periods are about sexuality is what sexualizes children. It’s a bodily function, and we should talk about it more and be embarrassed by it less.”


Have these people lost their minds?


Here’s how one Twitter user responded to Rufo’s post: “Saying that periods are about sexuality is what sexualizes children. It’s a bodily function, and we should talk about it more and be embarrassed by it less.”


How enlightened she is.


My response to her is why is it OK to lie to our kids? Imagine these confused children 20 years down the road insisting to their Chinese counterparts that not only do men menstruate, but they can get pregnant too.


The Gateway Pundit reported:


Disney has come under fire throughout much of 2022 after its CEO Bob Chapek, spoke up to oppose Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Bill, HB1557. Opponents to the bill dubbed it the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. The measure prohibits sexual education in schools for children between the ages of 5-8.

Disney doubled down on its efforts to push the extremist agenda of the LGBTQ community, specifically the opinions of the transgender community.

Disney executives organized an all-hands meeting called the “Reimagine Tomorrow Conversation Series” and pledged to mobilize the entire corporation in service of the “LGBTQIA+ community.”

Executives recruited the company’s most intersectional employees, including a “black, queer, and trans person,” a “bi-romantic asexual,” and “the mother [of] one transgender child and one pansexual child,” and announced ambitious new initiatives.

During the meeting, Karey Burke, president of Disney’s General Entertainment Content, said that her son sent her a text saying, “Gen-Z is 30-40 percent queerer than other generations, Mom, so Disney better get with it.”

Disney’s walk on the woke side has already cost the company a fortune. The entertainment giant appears to have forgotten that its customer base consists of people of all political stripes.

This is all part of Disney’s “not-at-all-secret gay a genda” and regularly “adding queerness” to children’s programming.

During the forum’s Zoom meeting, Burke explained the reasoning behind increasing LGBTQ+ content when she led Disney’s cable channel Freeform.

“It was very much in the brand ethos of Freeform to be the tip of the spear when it comes to inclusion,” she said. “And we jumped up and down; we celebrated that, nobody stopped us, and it felt great. In part, I think, nobody stopped us because we were targeting Gen-Z and Millennials.”

“We were targeting a younger, I think, more open-minded generation,” Burke continued as she referred to her son’s text message stating: “Gen-Z is 30-40% queerer than other generations.”

It appears dead set on pandering to its far-left clientele at the expense of what is likely a much larger and more profitable group of parents who think the company has jumped the shark.