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Militant Queer Grade-School Teacher Boasts of Turning 3rd Graders Gay

Warner Todd Huston July 20, 2022

A militant, queer grade school teacher recently posted a TikTok video boasting about how she is turning 8-year-old students gay and forcing them to use the left’s fake “pronouns.”

The teacher who calls herself Briana Rose was triumphant over forcing the radical gay agenda on preteens.

“I am an openly queer teacher,” the pink-haired teacher crowed. “I wear a bi flag watch band and bi flag bracelets,” she demonstrates by raising each wrist. “In my classroom I keep a rainbow flag,” and added, “my kids know what it means,” the PostMillennial wrote.

The purple-haired teacher goes on to explain how her being “openly queer” means that her students trust her more. As an example of this trust, she claims that two students approached her to ask if she could use gender neutral “they/them” pronouns when speaking about them, and also asked if she could relay their message to other summer school teachers.

“I said, ‘kiddos I would love to do that for you, I’m so glad you trusted me with this information.’” She then revealed that one of the students also asked to go by a different name, “one that is not gendered as what they were born as.”

But when she informed the other teachers of the 3rd graders’ request to use the students’ preferred pronouns and chosen name, she says they scolded her, informing her that it “was not appropriate for me to communicate.” The other teachers, she claimed, ignored the students’ requests to participate in their social transition by using a new name and pronouns.

This dangerous nutcase went on to scold her fellow teachers for refusing to bow to the radical LGBTQ agenda.

Don’t think this psycho is atypical, folks. Nearly every school in America now has one, two, or even whole departments full of fools like this.

Unfortunately, this garbage is also pervasive in private and even many religious schools.

It is no less than a war on children and parenting.