Public School Exit

If anything has been useful or helpful, please consider a 501(c)(3) Tax Deductible donation.


You can fund a needy child out of public schools. If everyone in America donated, we could fund every child out of government institutions into local private schools and/or assist parents with a variety of homeschool options. Your donation is tax deductible, 501 c3. Simply donate any amount to help give children in America the best education they deserve in the safest environment.


Parents, we make no promises. We are seeking donors to help with financial aid. We understand that sometimes both parents work full-time and barely make ends meet. Sometimes, there are single parents trying to raise children on their own. You may be a perfect candidate for our future PSE Financial Aid Program. Simply fill out our application and, if there is enough money in our PSE Education Fund or an authorized school in your area, we will do our best to match you up. Again, we will make every effort, but no guarantees.