Public School Exit

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Why should I leave?
Public schools are destroying American children physically, mentally, academically, morally, and spirituality. From quack methods used to teach reading that produce physical problems in the brain, to pornographic “sexual education” and the encouraging of gender confusion, to phony history and science that gives children a perverted worldview, to the widespread drugging of children, the situation is out of control. And children are not even learning the basics. According to the federal government’s National Assessment of Educational Progress, less than a third of high-school seniors are proficient in reading, about one fourth are proficient in math. If you love your children and want them to become educated, you must get them out.


If I leave the public school, where do I go?
There are countless options to provide a good education for children. Homeschooling, private schools, co-ops, online schools, and many other alternatives exist. Please explore our website for more ideas on where to go from here.

School Options

Reminder: We are here to help, but you must continue to do your own research!


I cannot afford to take my kids out of public schools? Your children are priceless! You can not afford to leave them in an institution that programs their minds to think the opposite of your worldview and is brainwashing and sexualizing them. In addition, the lowered standards of education may leave your child underprepared for the workforce in a highly competitive society. Research shows that many of our graduating seniors from public schools are functionally illiterate. Homeschooling is much less expensive than you realize especially in a dual-income household where simple cost-saving techniques can be applied to raise wonderful, healthy children.

Facts and Stats

I am unhappy with my child’s education, what do I do?
That’s why we are here! Step one is to make the decision to remove your child from public school. This will be one of the best decisions you ever make in your life. Next, you need to decide what sort of education you want your children to receive. Then you need to decide how to make it happen. Public School Exit is here to support you at every step of the way.

School Options

What is Common Core? Why is it bad?
Common Core is a set of internationally aligned national education standards imposed on America by the Obama administration. They are so bad that the only two subject-matter experts on the Common Core Validation Committee refused to sign off. The math expert, Dr. James Milgram, said the math standards were confusing, terrible, and in some cases, based on incorrect math. The English Language Arts expert, Dr. Sandra Stotsky, explained that the great literature was being removed and that children’s ability to develop critical thinking skills would be reduced.

Institute 4 Learning

TFP Student Action

Reminder: We are here to help, but you must continue to do your own research!


What is Comprehensive Sexual Education? Why is it bad?
Comprehensive Sexuality Education is a program to sexualize and confuse children that has invaded public schools across America and beyond. Under the guise of “health” and “safety,” these programs put our children at great risk. The schemes include promoting and normalizing perversion, encouraging fornication, confusing children about what gender they are, and more. According to many experts such as Dr. Melvin Anchell, these lessons do enormous damage to children that can haunt them their entire lives, ruining marriages, parenthood, and future generations.

Gender Resource Guide

Sexual Indoctrination

What are they teaching in the public schools that I don’t know about?
They are normalizing aberrant sexual practices, promoting godlessness and other false religious values, teaching pseudo-science designed to turn children against God, using fake history to turn children against America, and more. Explore our website or check out the Special Report on “Rescuing Our Children” to get a more complete picture of the phony “education” being provided to children in public schools. Order Your Copy of Rescuing Our Children

I can afford to pay for my child’s education? What do I do?
Now you need to decide what sort of education you want your children to receive. Perhaps homeschooling is for you — now you need to choose a curriculum, or decide what resources you want to use. There are countless options, many of which you can access through our website. Maybe you do not feel called to homeschool. In that case, you need to do your research on what sort of private school you want. Online schools are sprouting up all over the place as well, and many are excellent. Now you just need to find out what you want.


I have to work to provide. What do I do with their education?
There are many possible answers to this question, and every family’s situation is unique. But the first and most obvious thing to do is to find ways to lower expenses. Do you drive an expensive car? Do you live in a large house? Do you take costly vacations every year? Do you eat out several times per week? There are always going to be places where the budget can be cut. Perhaps the first thing to do is get your priorities straight. If the well-being of your children is not at the very top of that list, it probably needs to be rearranged. It will be a sacrifice, for sure—but it will be well worth it!


Can I really homeschool?
Of course you can! The data shows even children whose homeschooling parents do not have a high-school diploma do FAR better than government-school children, even on the government’s own standardized tests! Today, there are more resources for homeschoolers than at any point in history. You can obtain as much or as little support as you feel you need. It really is just a matter of setting your mind to it.


What are the laws on homeschooling in my state?
Laws on homeschooling vary widely by state. Some states have almost no requirements and do not even require notification or registration. Other states have strict laws regulating hom education including mandatory tests, forms, and more. Learn more about the laws in your state from the Home School Legal Defense Association. Law Resources


Where do I find resources for homeschooling?
You can start right here at Public School Exit. Explore the website and check back regularly for updates. With a little investigation into the links we have provided, you will find most answers.Try this link: Homeschooling


What kind of education is right for my children?
That depends on you. Do you want personalized, one-on-one attention for each child that you control every step of the way? If so, home education may be best for you. If you do not mind delegating some of your parental responsibility to others, there may be good private school options for you. It also depends on your religious views and your philosophy on education. Are you a Protestant dedicated to the classical model of education? There are options for that. Are you a Traditional Catholic with an affinity for Catholic education? There are options for that too. It all depends on you.School Options


Can’t we just reform the public schools?
No. As has been ably documented by whistleblowers, historians and educators, the public education system was created by anti-Christian collectivists to transform America by changing the children. It was built to do exactly what it is doing now. For decades, advocates of good education and traditional values have been trying to “reform” the system. And yet every year, the perversion, indoctrination, and dumbing down gets more extreme. It is time for a Public School Exit!


How will my children be socialized if I homeschool?
There are countless options for children to be socialized outside the public education system. In fact, data from the National Home Education Research Institute reveals that homeschooled children are better socialized on every metric that can be measured. Typically, homeschool families are involved in sports, extracurricular activities, church groups, homeschool co-ops, and so much more. Meanwhile, much of the “socialization” in government schools is actually negative: Peer pressure, drugs, gangs, and so on.


How do I find out what private school is right for me?
First, you need to find out what options are available in and around your community. Then, you need to start doing your research. Talk to school administrators; they should be more than happy to tell you about the school, its philosophy, its values, its methods, its history, and so on. When you find a school that aligns with your beliefs, at a price you can afford, you may have found the private school that is right for you and your family. School Options


Are there any homeschool groups or co-ops near me?
Almost the entire nation today is covered in homeschool groups and co-ops. We will be listing some in the months and years ahead, but a simple online search using key words such as the name of your city and the word “homeschool coop” should help you find out what is available. Talk to local homeschoolers and pastors too. They can often point you in the right direction.


How do I do this as a single parent?
We understand that single parenting is already hard. But we know from experience that you can do it if you put your mind to it. There are many curricula for single-parent homeschools. And there are many affordable private schools, not to mention scholarships available via churches and private groups. As we grow, Public School Exit will be creating additional support programs, including scholarships, to help single parents afford to rescue their children from the public school system.


I want my kids to be salt & light in the public school system. What if we feel this is our calling?
While it’s important for Christians to witness to the world, this is not a job for our underage children. Would you send your minor children into the military to go fight in a war? Of course not. God tells us we are engaged in spiritual warfare with powerful enemies. God also tells us Satan roams the earth, seeking whom he may devour. Our children are not yet ready–spiritually, mentally, or emotionally–to engage in spiritual warfare; especially without the assistance of their parents. This is even more true in a godless public school system that rejects the Creator and teaches captive children to do the same. God calls on parents to protect their children and educate them in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Those are our instructions. Articles of interest: Frontline Ministries, Salt & Light


What are my Post K-12 options?
Post K-12 Options.


What is School Choice?
Is a term for pre-college public education options which gives students and their families voluntary alternatives to publicly provided/federally supported schools. Parents gain more control over their child’s education and can pursue the most appropriate learning environments. Teacher unions are opposed to school choice for taking away funding from public schools.  The idea for School Choice was birthed by economist MIlton Friedman in 1955 who proposed that parents should be able to receive education funds in the form of vouchers which would allow them to choose their children’s schools.


What are vouchers?
Allows parents to choose their children’s schools:  public or private, religious and non-religious.


What are Education Savings Accounts?
Provides individual tax credits or individual tax credit and deduction options for educational expenses.  These accounts can be used for private school tuition and fees, online programs, private tutoring, community college costs, higher education services and other approved learning materials and services.  Currently, Alabama, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Minnesota, and Wisconsin have such programs.  Approved educational expenses include private school tuition, supplies, computers, books, tutors, and transportation. Education Savings Accounts (ESA)


What are Scholarship Tax Credit Programs?
Allows individuals or corporations to receive tax credits toward their state taxes in exchange for donations made to non-profit organizations that grant private school scholarships.


What is District of Choice?
A program created in California in 1993 allowing any California public school district to enroll students outside the district line.  Currently, 47 school districts and 10,000 students participate in the program, serving 5 percent of school districts and .2 percent of students in California. 



Western Christian Academy


Additional Thoughts:

1 Cor. 15:33 says, “Do not be deceived: bad company corrupts good morals.” If fully mature believers are in danger of being corrupted by others’ bad (worldly) influence, how can we expect highly impressionable children to escape the same outcome? Children by their very nature are extremely vulnerable, both from their peers and from adults. Immersed in an environment that trains children in a secular humanist worldview for 14,000 hours over 12 years, it is highly likely they will be converted the other way. In fact, studies show that 80-85% Christian children who attend public school will abandon their church and their faith by the time they reach their first year in college. Proverbs 13:20, “He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.”


Col. 2:8, “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world.” Government schools teach humanistic thought (socialism, LGBTQ, pornographic sex education, globalism, etc.) and dishonors parents by claiming that the State can nurture children better than the parents.

“A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher.” Luke 6:40 Children are a captive audience to their teacher(s), with little or no opportunity to speak up or to rebut their teachers.


Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is grown, he will not depart from it.” There is a way a child should go, and parents need to be training the child in THAT direction, not the direction of the world.

Lastly, Christian ADULTS bear the responsibility of being salt & light, not their children. It’s adult work and certainly not for children not yet prepared or trained apologetically to defend their faith and beliefs. Children can still shine the light of Jesus out in their communities at the store, in restaurants, to their neighbors, at the playground, and during extracurricular activities.