Public School Exit

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  1. Safety: Public schools mantra of “safe zones” is only an invitation for
    “undesirables” to bring guns and other weapons to campuses that may
    no longer be supported by school police if teachers’ unions have their way. Schools are havens for bullying and fights as suspensions and expulsions become rare. Disruptive children can mouth off at principals without consequences. Where does that leave teach discipline? Teachers are told they must give all students “open space” to share their feelings. Teachers seeking to enforce classroom discipline are investigated by administrators.
  2. Sexualization: The nation’s new sex education curriculum pushed by
    Planned Parenthood exposes young children to what use to be called
    pornography. Now it is considered a curriculum. Send your grandchildren to public schools if you believe in child sex and the morality of the culture. Send your grandchildren to public schools if you want other adults to train them up in the pleasures of sex at the youngest of ages.
  3. Indoctrination: Send your grandchildren to public schools if you wish
    to give them over to the State and radical teachers who wish to turn them
    against you, their own parents, and God. Send your grandchildren to public schools If you do not believe in family values (morality or God). Send your grandchildren to public schools if you believe that other adults are best equipped to nurture, care, and love them-something you do not desire to do!

For Other Reasons to Exit:

What can you do for your grandchildren?

  1. Enroll them in private schools.
  2. Help fund the education of your grandchildren.
  3. Talk to your children about homeschooling.
  4. Volunteer in the homeschooling of your grandchildren.
  5. Watch your grandchildren a couple days a week.

For helpful resources: