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How This Bill Will Harm Parents and Children

How This Bill Will Harm Parents and Children

Mar 11, 2021

HR 5, the misnamed “Equality Act” is now live on the Senate floor and can be called up for a vote any time without going through committees. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said he will do “big, strong, bold things” this session. This is one we must stop.

This dangerous bill will affect everyone. It will not just infringe on religious freedom—it will completely obliterate it. But it goes far beyond destroying religious freedom. It will harm parents and children. Rush your urgent fax to the Senate to stop the “Equality Act.” —Mat

Since 2012, my legal team has challenged state and local laws that ban counsel to minors who seek help to overcome unwanted same-sex attractions, behaviors and gender confusion. Last year, we won a major victory in two federal courts. But this “Equality Act” would ban ALL counsel for ALL ages from both licensed and unlicensed counselors—which includes pastors.

Our work has connected us with incredible, highly qualified professionals, counselors and people who have experienced freedom from these unwanted attractions, behaviors and confusion. This week our team in Washington, D.C., connected these professional leaders with key senators to share their stories and concerns.

If the “Equality Act” passes, this decade of work and our successes will be erased. In addition, there will be a legal basis for endless litigation against every person and institution of genuine faith to bankrupt them and fill the personal pockets of abortion-minded and LGBTQ individuals.

We have bipartisan support to keep the filibuster—which requires 60 votes. The Democrats do not have 60 votes. That is why they are looking for ways to sneak this through on a majority voice vote. Every minute of every day we need one person on the floor to object. This will force a full vote.

We are working with senators to guard the floor. WE NEED EVERY VOTE AND EVERY VOICE. We need your voice NOW to send a strong message.

STOP this bill from becoming law with your fax to the Senate today.

This bill will harm parents and children most of all. It will override parents and harm children. It will fundamentally damage the parent-child relationship in multiple ways:

First, the “Equality Act” will make abortion a federal right on demand through all nine months until birth. It will preempt every state law—including parental notification and informed consent. Parents will have no say, nor will religious hospitals, health care workers or pharmacists. Insurance companies cannot refuse coverage. It will subject any person who refuses to comply to suit by the U.S. Department of Justice, by individuals and even by organizations like Planned Parenthood!

Second, if a child becomes confused by the propaganda at schools fueled by the “Equality Act” and thinks you can choose your sex like you choose your clothes, there will be no one to help. The child can demand hormone-blocking drugs, opposite-sex hormones and even surgery to remove healthy body parts, and no one can stop this insanity. Insurance and taxpayer funds will cover the expense. If the parents object, their child could be removed from the home. I am not exaggerating—this is already happening even without the “Equality Act.”

Third, if the child asks for help to overcome unwanted same-sex attractions, behaviors or gender confusion, there will be no one to help. The “Equality Act” makes it illegal to provide any such counsel to help overcome these unwanted attractions, behaviors or confusion. In fact, this bill makes such counsel illegal for ALL AGES and FOR ANY COUNSEL—licensed and unlicensed—even pastoral counseling.

Fourth, this dangerous bill will require faith-based adoption and foster care ministries to place children in LGBT & Q homes. And remember, the “Q” encompasses nearly 550 paraphilias—which includes pedophilia!

WE MUST STOP THIS BILL! Send your fax to the Senate to stop the “Equality Act” from endangering our kids.

Lifesaving counsel is critical in cases like Ken’s. Without such counsel, he testified under oath, “I probably would have killed myself.”

At age 5, David was sexually molested by a 16-year-old neighbor boy. David began to hate his maleness, and then during puberty, turned that self-hate into sexual attraction to boys. He became clinically depressed and on the verge of ending it all when he found a counselor to help him. Today, David experiences freedom.

Walt Heyer struggled with gender confusion as a result of a family member sexually abusing him as a boy, combined with his grandmother’s decision to secretly clothe him as a girl. Unable to find a counselor to address his underlying issues, he took opposite-sex hormones and underwent surgery. After several years, he regretted his decision and became severely depressed—until he surrendered his life to Jesus Christ. He received lifesaving counsel, and now he helps people who are like he once was.

The “Equality Act” would wrap these chains that can lead to death around each struggling person—and will tie the hands of parents and counselors.

WE MUST STOP THIS BILL! Send your fax to the Senate to stop the “Equality Act” from endangering our kids.

In addition to sending a fax and signing the petition, I invite you to partner with us by taking advantage of our Challenge Grant that will DOUBLE the impact of your gift. We can’t fight effectively without you!

Thank you for your concern and prayer for our nation and f
or partnering with Liberty Counsel Action in defense of life, family and freedom!

Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. Support Liberty Counsel Action and have the impact of your donation DOUBLED through our Challenge Grant. Then send a fax demanding that senators block this horrific bill.

And please sign our petition. I also invite you to forward this message to likeminded friends who want to see parental rights preserved in America.