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Kirk Cameron: Public education is Public Enemy No. 1

Chris Woodward Jun 01, 2022 | American Family News


Actor and Christian activist Kirk Cameron is criticizing public schools for what he calls “grooming” children.


The evangelical Christian says public school systems have become so bad that they are “doing more for grooming for sexual chaos and the progressive left than any real educating about the things that most of us want to teach our kids.”


In a video posted on Fox News, Cameron says those who are “rotting out the minds and souls of America’s children” are defending and spreading terminal disease, not education.




“The things that are destroying the family, destroying the Church, destroying a love for our great country — critical race theory (CRT), teaching kids to pick their pronouns and decide whether or not they want to be a boy or a girl, the 1619 Project,” he lists.


“And often, public schools have been guilty of cutting parents out of the raising of their children process, of developing and cultivating their hearts and minds and telling them, ‘You’re not qualified. You don’t have the degree. You don’t have anything to say about what your kids are going to learn in school. We will teach them.'”


Today’s public-school systems, he says, are not working for parents, but actively against them. So as far as he is concerned, “Public education has become Public Enemy No. 1.”


In a recent press release, he credits the pandemic for helping parents realize what public schools have been teaching kids.


“It’s up to us, the parents, to cultivate the hearts, souls and minds of our children,” he implored.

Cameron is about to release a new movie called The Homeschool Awakening. A two-night event in theaters is planned for June 13 and 14.