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Homeschool Interest In Texas Jumps 5 Fold From 2020 Record

Homeschooling in Texas


TUESDAY, AUG 31, 2021 – 09:05 AM

While dehumanizing COVID restrictions and poisonous Critical Race Theory (CRT) plague public schools, many parents opt for homeschooling this fall. The number of families seeking homeschooling in Texas is up five-fold in one week compared with the same period last year, the Texas Homeschool Coalition (THSC) reports.

“We are literally inundated with calls and emails from thousands upon thousands of families asking how they can begin homeschooling this fall,” Tim Lambert, president of the Texas Home School Coalition, said in a statement.

THSC reports weekly call and email volume, for the second week of August, reached 4,699, nearly five times the weekly record in the second set by 2020.

Last year, THSC saw a 400% increase in requests from parents to help with the transition from public school to homeschool. Compound today’s massive increase and it suggests the homeschooling trend is hot. 

Jube Dankworth of Texas Home Educators told local news ABC13 that about 750,000 Texas students are homeschooled. The number dramatically increased during the pandemic, and there are no signs of the trend slowing down. 

“Our call volume and contact volume doubled last week. We went from 300 to 500 calls to 1,000,” said THSC’s Tim Lambert said.

Lambert said the pandemic is the main driver for alternative learning: 

“We are hearing parents who are saying, ‘You know, I am real uncomfortable with the situation in the schools,’ ‘I do not want my kids to wear a mask,’ ‘I do want my kids to wear a mask.'”

He added: 

“2020 set records for the number of families interested in homeschooling. 2021 is now crushing those records. We are literally inundated with calls and emails from thousands upon thousands of families asking how they can begin homeschooling this fall. Families know that in homeschooling, they can find a form of education that is flexible and stable at the same time and it comes with a community of families who are ready to help.”

Besides COVID measures, some parents are pulling their kids out of public schools because they say CRT is poisoning the minds of their kids. 

The explosion in homeschooling appears to be broad-based. 

The California Department of Education reported homeschool applications doubled during the 2020-2021 school year. Millions of other parents across the country choose homeschool instead, as the work-at-home environment allows parents to spend more time with their children, preventing them from being brainwashed by liberal curriculums.