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Bible On List Of ‘Problematic’ Books Being Pulled From School Library in Texas

Wes Walker August 18, 2022


A Board of Trustees has a kicked off a new book policy and it involved pulling every translation of the Bible, among other classic favorites.


They’ve stopped trying to hide their open contempt of anyone to the right of Bernie Sanders… especially those bitter clingers with their guns and religion. Those people are just the worst. They should be put in a basket of deplorables. You get the idea.


Now that their contempt for political dissent has been mainstreamed, it is finding its way into policy decisions.


Officials in a school district near Fort Worth, Texas, have directed school staff and librarians to temporarily remove books that have been challenged through the district’s formal complaint process in the past school year, including the Bible and an illustrated adaptation of Anne Frank’s diary.
The Keller Independent School District Board of Trustees adopted policies last week that set new standards for how books and other instructional materials are chosen for schools, including putting books up for 30 days of public review before they are purchased by libraries and removing challenged materials from shelves while they are being reviewed.


It’s being billed as an ‘unwoke’ solution to the problem of parents objecting to school employees with an agenda to introducing overtly sexualized content accessible to students of younger and younger ages. The objectional content includes (in some districts) material so explicitly adult in content and theme that concerned parents were forbidden to read the content aloud when objecting to it at public school board meetings.


Too objectionable to read at a public meeting but perfectly fine for middle school kids to read? Something’s gone wrong with the decision-making there, don’t you think?


Any book that has had a complaint lodged against it was immediately pulled from the shelves for a 30-day review. Clearly, some of the books that were targets of complaint were not coming from people with honest objections.


Among the titles that got the ax were EVERY translation of the Holy Bible — the single most influential book in all of English Literature, without which much of the content of the classics is all but indecipherable.


Another ‘problematic’ book was the Diary of Anne Frank… which, would mean that although her memory outlived her in the Nazi Death Camps, the woke left may yet succeed in ‘erasing’ her.