Public School Exit

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Racist White Teacher Brags About Classroom ‘Built For Non-White Students’

Joe Newby August 20, 2022

Just think, America…  THIS is what’s “educating” your children.  On Saturday, Twitchy posted an article about a white woman who claims to be a fourth-grade teacher “in a majority-white school district, with a lot of ‘posh’ white parents.”  How does she deal with this?  By telling the world that her classroom is “built for non-white students.”

And how does she do this, one might ask?  Simple.  By expunging it of any white faces.  Except for hers, of course.

And then she brags about it in a video posted to Twitter:

Twitchy notes:  “For example, there’s not a single white face on the coloring pages she hands out. Some white cis male books made it into the classroom library, but she’s doing the best she can to balance that out.”

Naturally, Twitter had a field day with this… person.