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ALERT: 2030 Psychological Agenda – Obedience Training for PreK-Adults Already Global with Billions in Funding for Full Control – Part 7: Legislation and Billions in State & Federal Funding

The social emotional learning (SEL) programs wouldn’t be successful without all of the state and federal funding it receives, and with “mental health” being used under the guise of Covid to obtain billions to achieve their goal, the globalists are well on their way to making this global agenda stick. Part 6 covered the private sector funding of this cradle to grave, PreK-Adult, lifelong obedience training that the globalists have cooked up for children, parents, communities, and businesses, to keep everyone in line with a one-mind premise for a blockchain workforce.


Part 1: IntroductionPart 2: The Programming
Part 3: Spirituality in Education Programming
Part 4: WEF Vision for Global Education System
Part 5: U.S. Department of Education & Multiple Agencies Involved
Part 6: Private Sector Funding

This chapter will explore some of the state and federal funding that has poured into this agenda, especially over the past two years.

Hundreds of Billions in Qualifying Federal Funds for SEL Obedience Training

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP), also known as the Covid-19 Stimulus Package to the tune of $1.9 trillion, went into effect on March 11, 2021 to allegedly speed up the recovery from economic and health effects from Covid. A lot of money was allocated toward the education system. This followed after the CARES Act of $2.2 trillion which went into effect on March 27, 2020, and the $2.3 trillion Consolidated Appropriations Act that allotted $900 billion in alleged stimulus relief, signed into law on December 27, 2020. Over $190 billion went toward the education system. They are now trying to figure out how to resurrect or rework the Build Back Better Bill that would include $400 billion in free preschool for all, which is precisely where they want to target children with SEL programs and have already setup the framework across the country, and are implementing it in some preschools. Keeping all of this in mind, lets see how much SEL based programs could potentially siphon off.

SEL Programs Qualify for Federal Funding Under These Programs:

• IDEA—Special Education Grants to States
• Title I, Part A—Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies
• Title I, Part C—Migrant Education
• Title I, Part D—Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk
• Title II, Part II—Supporting Effective Instruction (Teacher Training and Teacher Retention)
• Title IV, Part A—Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) Grants
• Title VI, Part B, Subpart 1—Small, Rural School Grant Program
• Title VI, Part B, Subpart 2—Rural and Low-Income School Program
• Title VIII—Impact Aid
• McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
• Promoting Student Resilience

American Rescue Plan (ARP) ESSER Funds – $122 Billion

As noted in part 5, Dr. Miguel Cardona, Biden’s new Secretary of Education, has repeatedly encouraged school districts to spend the federal stimulus money from ARP toward students’ social and emotional needs, while also promoting SEL. In an October 2021 press release by the Department of Education, they stated, “Through ARP ESSER alone, state and local education leaders have $122 billion available to them to ensure the mental health, social, emotional and academic needs of our students are met.” ESSER stands for Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief.

The following chart was produced by Seattle-based Committee for Children, who is funded in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to improve their Second Step SEL programs, and serves 16.5 million children across all 50 states. CEO Andrea Lovanhill is on a mission to transform the social-emotional wellbeing of 100 million children by 2030. She’s been with the company for over 14 years and was moved into the CEO position in December 2020. The president of the board is Jon Reingold, former vice president of corporate marketing for Microsoft Corporation. The treasurer is Kumar Mehta, who formerly worked at Microsoft for 14 years, is a senior fellow at the USC Annenberg Center for the Digital Future, was CEO of Course5 Intelligence, a data-analytics company, and holds a PhD in pharmaceutical socioeconomics.

Founded by Dr. Debra Boyer and Dr. Jennifer James in 1978 to allegedly help protect children, their offices are located just one half mile from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in Seattle. More recently, they have added branches in a half dozen states. They created Second Step SEL programs in 1995 with the approval of CASEL which was founded the year prior (covered in part 2), and went on to receive recognition from the White House in 1998, during the Clinton administration. Their programs are already running in more than 34% of U.S. elementary schools.

In 2021, the Committee for Children put together charts on federal and state funding that qualify for SEL programs to be instituted into schools. This is the breakdown of the ARP ESSER funds:

CASEL would like to see SEL allocated funding go toward three main priorities:

• Promote social and emotional learning for students (with tips to policymakers and district leaders)

• Support adult SEL competencies and capacity-building (obedience training for parents to build their social credit scores)

• Align SEL efforts across schools, families, and communities (data systems that inform everyone of their social credit scores and what they need to improve)

The Department of Education and the CDC full-heartedly agree with CASEL, which is why it was baked into the Covid agenda and rolled out in documents informing states as to how to help the children through SEL programs. The Biden administration released three volumes of Covid-19 handbooks stressing the need for social, emotional, and mental health needs for children. And let’s not forget the ‘Every Student Succeeds Act’ (ESSA) that was signed into law in December 2015, in part requiring states to incorporate nonacademic factors, which further opened the doorway to add SEL into the mix. A maps with every states’ plan can be found here.

Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA) – $58.4 Billion

The second round of Covid-19 relief funding from H.R. 133 allocated through ESSER and the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund.

Fiscal Year 2021 Appropriations – $148 Billion

In addition to the CRRSA Act shown in the above chart, the federal budget appropriations showed an increase in funding for 2021, with the following funds allocated toward education, all of which SEL programs qualify for.

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act – $16.5 Billion

The CARES Act was the first round of Covid-19 relief funding. This bill established the ESSER Fund and the GEER Fund. This is how it benefited SEL obedience training programs:

How Are States Spending The ARP ESSER Funds?

As of January 2022, the U.S. Department of Education has officially approved all 52 states ARP ESSER plans for what they will utilize these funds for. Rest assured, SEL programs are almost guaranteed to be included in every state’s plan in order to get every last drop of funding. SEARCH your state’s plan here.

This table will show a glance of each state’s overall plan, but you have to click on each plan to see precisely what is being funded. At a glance, we can see that Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, Utah, and Wyoming are all implementing SEL programs, but when you dive in, you will find that the majority of states have already, or are now beginning to, embed them into the schools, after school programs, straight into teaching parents, communities, and businesses how to all become obedient slaves. For anyone who believes red states are exempt from this, think again. They are driving this through school districts on a county level. Below are just a few examples.

Florida’s plan for their ARP ESSER funds was just approved in January, with the remaining $2.3 billion released of the $7 billion they received. Whereas their plan doesn’t denote specific funding to “SEL programs,” they use “social, emotional, and mental health” throughout the document and many schools all across Florida are already implementing these programs. Here is a map indicating all of the counties and schools involved with SEL programs.

Montana’s ARP ESSER funds most certainly plans to include a portion going toward SEL programs since they see it as a “high priority.” After all, the Second Step program was already rolled out in 2021 to 85 LEAs, plus 5 LEAs and 70 schools also adopted the PAX Good Behavior Game, a SEL program that “teaches children the skills of social and emotional regulation that strengthens inhibition and extends self-regulation” that allegedly helps to improve academics and behavior for the future. Montana community stakeholders determined that SEL is an integral part of education and community, and decided it is a critical need that must continue. Of course, CASEL is referenced throughout.

North Carolina’s plan for ARP ESSER funds allocates at least $10 million toward SEL programs. In fact, they even created a special ‘SEL Crisis Response’ website, milking the Covid-19 agenda for all it’s worth.

USAID Funding Social Emotional Learning to Help it Grow Internationally

You didn’t think U.S. taxpayer dollars were only going toward the U.S. obedience training, did you? Of course not. How could it possibly be rolling out in 110 countries to build a global digital citizen workforce and maintain social credit scores on everyone, without the U.S. footing a chunk of the bill?

In Jun 2018, USAID published ‘Social-Emotional Learning: Policy Recommendations to the U.S. Government for Promoting Learning, Equity and Resilience in Areas of Crisis and Conflict.’ Quite honestly, this 13-page document looks like a fifth-grader was writing up his argument for why his allowance should be increased. It’s loose, weak, and was obviously quickly thrown together. Nonetheless, three recommendations for why USAID should take the lead to develop SEL internationally, emerged from this report:

1) The U.S. Government should include skills-based SEL in all education programming, with special attention in crisis-affected contexts (EICC).

2) USAID should ensure, at minimum, four main ingredients for implementation of EICC, along with sufficient funding for these and for their evaluation.

3) USAID should take the lead to advance the SEL field internationally by investing in research, particularly in crisis and conflict contexts.

When UNICEF, the United Nations, and Council on Foreign Relations are signaling to “get ‘er done,” of course the U.S. is on board. Once again, they stress that SEL programs “need to reach beyond school to encompass the social ecosystem of teachers, families, and communities.”

USAID’s 2018-2021 ‘Education Progress Report’ describes how they have worked in more than 80 countries since the launch of their ‘Education Policy’ in 2018 to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. They are embracing social-emotional learning with this new policy.

In this progress report USAID states that they began technical engagement with the World Bank, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the U.K.’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, and UNICEF on the Foundational Learning Compact, in April 2020. This is an umbrella trust fund to speed up countries’ progress with a focus on eight “accelerator countries.”

As seen in this report, they have multiple stakeholders working with them in numerous countries. One example is EON, a company that provides augmented and virtual reality education, who has collaborated with other stakeholders in Morocco to create the Interactive Digital Center.

USAID has funded multiple studies and SEL-based programs. Millions of taxpayer dollars are going into this. Below are just a couple examples.

$8 Million
In this particular report encompassing Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East and North Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and Eurasia, and Asia, their purpose and objectives were to study the effects of SEL programs on children and communities in developing and crisis-affected areas, to see what worked in various settings and populations. They did this by extracting and aggregating a whole lot of data. When data surveillance is already in place, it’s easy to set the parameters, chart the outcomes, and alter the course of action, as they have been doing for quite some time and will continue to do. Of course, these studies are outsourced and funded. In this particular study the prime contractor was Dexis Consulting Group and the subcontractor was Research Triangle Institute, with a ceiling value of nearly $8 million dollars.

They commissioned the Research for Effective Education Programming – Africa (REEP-A) to conduct a systematic review, which produced this 156-page ‘Social and Emotional Learning Systematic Review’ report in August 2021. Their key findings essentially boil down to their need to continue to monitor the development and advancement of SEL programs globally because they find them “effective.” However, they did note that SEL should not be used as a replacement for targeted mental health interventions, but should be utilized in conjunction with them. They also noted that in acute crisis areas, SEL had limited effects on children’s skills and well-being.

$8 Million USAID + $8 million from W.K. Kellogg Foundation and anonymous private foundation

In November 2020, USAID awarded the University of Notre Dame to help improve child literacy in Haiti. Notre Dame’s Alliance for Catholic Education Haiti and Global Center for the Development of the Whole Child, in partnership with the Pulte Institute for Global Development to implement USAID’s Strong Beginnings project in Haiti through the help of Catholic Relief Services to serve more than 25,000 students. The Strong Beginnings project is to “leverage the home, school, and church to develop the whole child in Haiti” and life-long learners. Their goal is to expand literacy and social-emotional learning programs. One of the delivery methods used for social emotional learning was through radio to preK and parent programming, which was broadcast through 14 radio stations, giving one pause as to what subliminal mind-control could be traveling through those frequencies.

In addition to this, USAID partnered with the United Nations Office for Project Services to distribute first and second grade curriculum materials to 600 schools accounting for over 84,000 students, with the support of UNICEF, World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, Episcopal Commission for Catholic Education, and others. One can imagine what is in the curriculum.

State and Local Funding for SEL Programs

Between the private sector funding and federal funding, billions is going into this digital citizen mania, but why stop there when they can scoop up even more funds from local and state funding?

When it comes to state and local funding for SEL programs, the Committee for Children breaks it down as follows:

• Basic, per-pupil funding (broad usage)
• Prevention/intervention health grants
• Community-based organization grants
• Rural education initiatives technology grants
• Levy funding (voter-approved)
• City funding
• County funding

Second Step provides a chart that breaks down funding by state based on each state’s grant programs. For example, California, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsinall provide grant programs that SEL programs qualify for. Just between these 10 states, it totals over $340 million in grants. The chart is from 2017, so there may very well be additional funding programs that have since been created in various states.

Local community funds can come from a myriad of sources, so it’s important those organizations understand exactly what they are funding. Below is a list Second Step provides as a way for schools to purchase their SEL program:

• County government discretionary funds
• Governors’ special council funds for child abuse prevention
• Mental health funds
• School enhancement dollars
• Mayors’ offices—municipal government
• Banking institutions, including credit unions
• Police departments and other crime prevention associations/organizations
• Hospitals and medical clinics
• Libraries
• Community foundations
• Neighborhood Watch groups
• Parent-teacher organizations/associations
• Faith-based institutions
• Private foundations (particularly those with a geographic focus)
• Corporations or businesses at the local or corporate level
• Service organizations

Build Back Better Bill Has Stalled, But…

The $2+ trillion Build Back Better agenda looked about as enticing as the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Bill that was passed, which Corey’s Digs did a summary breakdown on to show the control grid they are trying to build for the human enslavement system they so desire. Despite the House passing it in 2021, it never made it past the Senate. But, that doesn’t mean they won’t try to resurrect portions of it and create a new bill. It’s important to keep eyes on this because aside from the control grid and slush fund aspects of it, they attempted to pass $400 billion for free preschool for all. SEL is already rolled out in many states’ preschool programs and is ready to roll out in the rest, so that level of funding would make it a lock, and parents would be none the wiser. This is why it’s critical to share this information with parents nows, and remember, this is a cradle to grave program.

State Legislation: Bills To Watch

It seems that some legislatures are becoming more aware of what SEL is really about. It would be advantageous for everyone to submit this full 9-part series to your legislatures, along with pointing out these bills below. Once the complete series has published, it will be available in a single PDF file in the Bookshop. Be sure to review the information provided above on how states are using their funding for SEL programs, and look into past legislation that may have already been enacted in your state. Below are current bills to keep an eye on, support, or oppose, as well as some that have already been signed into law.

Alaska introduced two bills in 2021 that haven’t seen movement since April. Bill HB25 is about adopting statewide goals for instruction in social-emotional learning. Bill HB173 is about school climate and connectedness improvement which incorporates social and emotional learning.

Alabama SB40 (OPPOSE)
This is a hard push to embed social, emotional learning through a program that addresses the mental health of students.

Florida H0941 (OPPOSE)
Introduced December 16, 2021 – in committee January 7, 2022
This bill would provide certification requirements for school counselors and require them to provide a certain program for a specified purpose, which includes social and emotional learning through classroom lessons and counseling. This includes PreK-12.

Florida H0007 (Monitor)
Introduced January 11, 2022
This bill purports to be about individual freedom, and whereas it does have some good points in it, unfortunately they incorporate all of the right buzzwords to allow for a SEL program. For example, in section 3(4) it states: Life skills that build confidence, support mental and emotional health, and enable students to overcome challenges, including: a. Self-awareness and self-management. b. Responsible decision-making. c. Resiliency. d. Relationship skills and conflict resolution. e. Understanding and respecting other viewpoints and backgrounds. All of this is extracted right out of the SEL playbook.

Indiana HB1040(Monitor)Introduced January 4, 2022
Repeals provisions requiring the department to develop the children’s social, emotional, and behavioral health plan. This bill also opposes other intrusive teachings, surveys, and data collection, as well as mask mandates.

Indiana HB1231 (SUPPORT)Introduced January 6, 2022
Repeals provisions requiring the department to develop the children’s social, emotional, and behavioral health plan, among other things.

In April 2021, new legislation (SB0205) was signed by Gov. Eric Holcomb that set new standards for teacher training programs, mandating that programs consider training teachers in social emotional learning that are consistent with the state’s SEL competencies established by the department of education.

Indiana SB0167 (Monitor)
Introduced January 4, 2022Before a school corporation or qualified school provides or administers certain mental, social-emotional, or psychological services to a student, the school must provide the parent of the student or the student, if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor, with a written request for consent to administer these services. That’s a good start, but unfortunately most parents will have no clue as to the true scope of this agenda.

New Jersey S2485 signed into law on May 11, 2021
This bill established the Clayton Model Pilot Program for K-5 SEL programs in select public schools. The goal is to expand this across the state.

North Carolina H923 (OPPOSE)
Introduced May 10, 2021
This hasn’t seen movement, but is important to pay attention to in NC because this is an attempt to establish a kindergarten social and emotional learning pilot program. They want to expand the SEL program that is already being taught through the NC Preschool Pyramid Model. That curriculum needs to be shut down as well.

Oklahoma SB1442 (SUPPORT)
Introduced February 7, 2022
“No public school district, public charter school, or public virtual charter school shall use federal, state, or private funds to promote, purchase, or utilize the concepts of social emotional learning for training, instruction, or education of students. No public school district, public charter school, or public virtual charter school teacher, administrator, counselor, employee, or volunteer shall use any curricula with content related to social emotional learning in the training, instruction, or education of students.” If this is violated, and a parent reports it in the manner documented here, the state department of education will assess a financial penalty against the school.

Washington SB5044 was signed into law on May 5, 2021
This bill created new state standards on antiracist and cultural competencies training and integrated the SEL curriculum.

In addition to all of the above, the bills below have already been ENACTED into law in Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Texas, and Washington.

Summing-up The Sum

Between the private sector, local, state, and federal funding, hundreds of billions of dollars have flooded into the education system, with a power punch in the last two years alone, and large amounts being designated to SEL programs.

In addition to all of the federal funds being conditional on schools abiding by the CDC’s extensive and absurd Covid-19 “safety recommendations,” it is evidenced that because the Department of Education added “mental health” and SEL programs into their guidelines to allegedly assist children through these times, that too was likely conditional. While everyone is talking about all of the Covid measures the schools were bribed with, they are missing the fact that SEL was also baked into the equation, leading their children straight into the “digital citizen” workforce for their lifelong journey of obedience training.

What parents need to understand, and what this report is attempting to hammer home is the fact that this brainwashing system is being rolled out on parents, communities, and through businesses as well – the education system is the doorway. This is a psychological agenda to cull the masses into obedience, get them on a digital identity, track and data mine a persons entire life, and continue to build their social credit score for full control over their access to places and spending abilities. Therefore, since they are using education as the main doorway, parents who do not yet have the ability to homeschool, need to get this information into the hands of their legislatures to shut it down, and need to take it to the school boards and get SEL programs removed. If everyone were to setup homeschool networks, remove their children from the indoctrination centers, and refuse any government vouchers or oversight, the globalists would be hard-pressed to see this agenda through against the whole of society.

The data mining and monitoring is a critical aspect of this agenda to seize full control over all human beings. Part 8 will cover the many ways they are doing this and how it will build on the social credit score system they’ve long been developing.

This report was sponsored by The Solari Report.

Previous Chapters:
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: The Programming
Part 3: Spirituality in Education Programming
Part 4: WEF Vision for Global Education System
Part 5: U.S. Department of Education & Multiple Agencies Involved
Part 6: Private Sector Funders

Subsequent Chapters:
Part 8: Surveillance, Data Mining, and Social Score for All
Part 9: Timeline, Recap List of Over 300 Organizations Involved, and Conclusion

This full 9-part report will be available in a single PDF for download in The Bookshop once it’s published in its entirety.