Public School Exit

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Christian Parents Should Take Their Kids Out Of Public School – Especially Now, Journalist Says

MAY 17, 2021 08:44 AM EDT

(Photo : unsplash) New York Governor Authorizes New York Schools to Reopen

(Photo : unsplash) New York Governor Authorizes New York Schools to Reopen

Alex Newman, a respected journalist and the executive director of Public School Exit, brings up the topic of why Christian parents must seek to get their children out of the government-controlled education system.

“There has never been a better time for parents-and especially Christian parents-to get their children out of government schools,”  wrote Newman for Covenant Spotlight, and re-published by Charisma Magazine.

“That is the message pastors and families all over America need to hear right now,” he goes on. “From the indoctrination and sexualization of children to the unprecedented dumbing down and now the outrageous “coronavirus” measures, the time has come.”

Newman stated that when they originally started their campaign, the notion of urging all parents to leave was considered absurd. However, things have changed today. He then claims that Rush Limbaugh, evangelical leader Franklin Graham, former President Donald Trump, and even globally recognized ministry leader and talk show presenter James Dobson have all issued warnings about the situation.

“With coronavirus keeping children home from public schools around the world, our growing coalition of Christian ministry leaders, lawyers, educators and journalists are working to make sure that once the crisis is over, millions never go back,” he continued. “Instead, what America and the church need is a massive-and permanent-exodus into the safe sanctuary of homeschooling and high-quality private schools.”

Newman believed parents should quit using government schools for their children during the coronavirus outbreak and instead use private or homeschool alternatives for their kids. Simultaneously, he advised parents to critically analyze the materials used in public schools. He said that most people would surely be shocked by them.

He also encouraged pastors in the United States to help take up this work.

“They will be key,” said Newman. “For one, they should preach on what the Bible says about education.”

“It will not take long for Bible-believing pastors to recognize that God never intended His people to hand their children over to anti-Christian government schools for education. Rather, parents are told to disciple and educate their children,” he explained.

He also encouraged pastors in the United States to help take up this work.

“They will be key,” said Newman. “For one, they should preach on what the Bible says about education.”

“It will not take long for Bible-believing pastors to recognize that God never intended His people to hand their children over to anti-Christian government schools for education. Rather, parents are told to disciple and educate their children,” he explained.

On the theological front, things are also looking dismal with the newly approved “ethnic studies” curriculum. Kids in California will be required to sing and pray to the gods of human sacrifice and cannibalism in their classes.

Even the government agrees that its schools fail their students. Many high school grads are poorly educated. Over two-thirds of children in government schools are “not achieving proficient” in any subject according to the latest NAEP data.


Christian Parents Should Take Their Kids Out Of Public School – Especially Now, Journalist Says : US : Christianity Daily